
Dedicated to all things wine. Recommendations for in-person wine tasting, reviews of wines purchased locally and through clubs, and shared wine experiences in the US and abroad.

NorCal Wine Trip: Day 1 Sonoma

It’s been two months, but I’m finally getting some time to write about our wine trip to northern California at the end of April. We spent three sun-filled days sipping wine in Sonoma, Santa Rosa, Napa, and Livermore. Here’s a summary of Day 1 and a map of our route from Oakland Airport to downtown Santa Rosa. Arrival We took a late evening flight out of Milwaukee, which landed us in Oakland around midnight local time. Originally, we planned to…

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charcuterie board

A Simple Charcuterie Board

I love charcuterie boards! Maybe it’s because I’m from Wisconsin, and my love for cheese was ingrained in me from a young age. Regardless, as an adult, I have a true appreciation for both the art and science involved in creating a charcuterie board. They exude beauty through different colors, textures, and arrangements. They’re simple in nature, but the potential for variety makes them complex. In fact, this is one of the reasons I decided to post about my simple…

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